Well, we are in the final stretch! I truly think we're ready... and I mean that in a way that we really have no idea what's ahead for us. But as far as having everything in order and being so anxious to meet her... we're ready! We had our maternity photos done last weekend and they turned out wonderful! Our photographer is so great... we can't wait to see the beatiful pictures she takes of Georgia. I also had my last baby shower last weekend thanks to some wonderful friends. It was truly precious! We really racked up... we got almost everything we really needed off of our registry and what we didn't get, we were able to purchase with gift cards that people gave us. I am so grateful to have so many wondeful friends and family. This past weekend, we took a short trip to the Golden Moon/Silverstar Resort in Philadelphia, MS. No we aren't gamblers, but just wanted a weekend away. Our anniversary is tomorrow so it was mostly to celebrate that. We coudln't go too far with me being 36 weeks preggo so off we went to Philly. It was fun and relaxing... especially our massages on Saturday morning. What a great way to start the day! I had a doctor's appointment this morning. Everything was great... blood pressure still great, heart rate in 140's; no dialation or effacement yet. I was very surprised by this becasue my contractions are definitely getting more intense and are coming more often. And to think we were concerned with pre-term labor... pfffft! This baby will probably stay in there forever! Haha! I'm still feeling her move a lot, sometimes too much, but it's great to know she's doing okay in there.
Baby's size: Your baby is still packing on the pounds — at the rate of about an ounce a day. She now weighs almost 6 pounds (
like a crenshaw melon) and is more than 18 1/2 inches long.
Eating habits/cravings: Sweets! Milkshakes and cookies! Mmmmm! I'm back to myself as far as my sweet tooth goes.
Mood/Energy: Still pretty exhausted! I've been having a lot of aches and pains. To be honest, and I'm saying this b/c I know one day I will forget this feeling, I'm tired of being pregnant.
Things to look forward to: 37 week and 38 week appoiontments... at 38 weeks, we get a sonogram. Also, of course, we're looking forward to her arrival!
Major development this week: She's shedding most of the downy covering of hair that covered her body as well as the vernix caseosa, the waxy substance that covered and protected her skin during her nine-month amniotic bath. Your baby swallows both of these substances, along with other secretions, resulting in a blackish mixture, called meconium, will form the contents of her first bowel movement.
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